Scientific Activity
- âDigital Sheet Music Assistant: On the use of web-based interfaces in Project Orchestrasâ at DAGA Hannover, 20.03.2024
- âTame Your KPIs with Data ScienceâOr OKRs, or both? Doesnât matter as long as itâs AGILE!â at Dagstuhl Seminar for Deep Learning and Knowledge Integration for Music Audio Analysis, Dagstuhl, Germany, 2022
- âBesucherstromanalyse wĂ€hrend der Landesgartenschau 2023 in Höxterâ at Technische Hochschule OWL, Höxter, Germany, 2021
- âDigital Dienstag: Cloud Computingâ at Haus der Wissenschaft, Braunschweig, Germany, 2021
- âExpert Talk Data Science: KI-basierte Kundengewinnungâ at Q-HUB Chemnitz, Germany, 2020
- âAzure on the Edge: Lernen in der Cloud, Deployment auf dem Shopfloorâ at TDWI Virtual II 2020, Germany, 2020
- âData Scientist - The Sexiest Job of the 21st Centuryâ at UniversitĂ€t Paderborn, Lernzentrum Informatik (LZI), Paderborn, Germany, 2020
- âHey Siri! Wie funktionierst Du eigentlich? â Eine EinfĂŒhrung in KIâ at VHS Volkshochschule Höxter-MarienmĂŒnster, Höxter, Germany, 2020
- âCross-Modal Music Retrievalâ at Data Science Meet-Up, Paderborn, Germany, 2019
- âHey Siri! Wie funktionierst Du eigentlich? â Eine EinfĂŒhrung in KIâ at Science Talk am Bildungs- und Begegnungszentrum, Steyr, Austria, 2019
- âMultimedia Processing Techniques for Retrieving, Extracting, and Accessing Musical Contentâ at International Audio Laboratories Erlangen (PhD Defense), Germany, 21.03.2018
- âMultimedia Processing Techniques for Retrieving, Extracting, and Accessing Musical Contentâ at Musikhochschule Detmold (Research Colloquium), Germany, 15.01.2018
- âDeep Neural Networks in MIRâ at Workshop for Systematic Approaches to Deep Learning Methods for Audio, Erwin Schrödinger International Institute for Mathematics and Physics (ESI), Vienna, Austria, 13.09.2017
- âMultimedia Processing Techniques for Retrieving, Extracting, and Accessing Musical Contentâ at JKU Linz (Research Colloquium), Austria, 19.10.2017
- âUsing Domain Knowledge for Automatic Structure Analysis of Jazz Recordingsâ at Second International Jazzomat Research Workshop, Weimar, Germany, 2016
- âMusical Structure Analysis for Jazz Recordingsâ at Dagstuhl Seminar for Computational Music Structure Analysis, 2016
- âCross-Modal Music Retrieval and Applicationsâ at IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP) (with A. Arzt and M. MĂŒller), Brighton, UK, 2019
- âMusikverarbeitungâ at GI Workshop: Musik trifft Informatik, 47. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft fĂŒr Informatik e.V. (GI) (with C. WeiĂ and M. MĂŒller), Chemnitz, Germany, 2017
- âUsing Domain Knowledge for Automatic Structure Analysis of Jazz Recordingsâ at Second International Jazzomat Research Workshop 2016, Weimar, Germany
Thesis Supervision
- Bachelor Thesis: âMaschinenanbindung und algorithmische Analyse von Sensordaten in der Heizkörperfertigung bei STIEBEL ELTRONâ, Leon Bömelburg, FH Bielefeld, 2022
- Master Thesis: âDeveloping an Industrial IoT Testbed for Training and Simulating Advanced Analytics Technologiesâ, Bastian Höcker (co-supervision with Prof. P. KĂŒppers), Hochschule der Medien Stuttgart, 2020
- Bachelor thesis: âMultimediale Aufbereitung von Jazzstandards zur musikpĂ€dagogischen Nutzungâ, Paul BieĂmann (co-supervision with S. Trump and Prof. M. MĂŒller), FAU Erlangen, 2017
- Master thesis: âEfficient Content-Based Audio Retrievalâ, Johannes Knödtel (co-supervision with Prof. M. MĂŒller), FAU Erlangen, 2016
- Master thesis: âKonzept einer Multimedia-Datenbank fĂŒr Musikdaten zu einer Operâ, Manuel Hiemer (co-supervision with P. Schwab, Prof. K. Meyer-Wegener, and Prof. M. MĂŒller), FAU Erlangen, 2016
- Master thesis: âTowards Automated Retrieval of Audio Recordings based on Musical Themesâ, Lukas Lamprecht (co-supervision with T. PrĂ€tzlich, and Prof. M. MĂŒller), FAU Erlangen, 2014
- Master thesis: âCross-Modal Matching of Text, Image and Symbolic Music Dataâ, Sanu Pulimootil Achankunju (co-supervision with Prof. M. MĂŒller), FAU Erlangen, 2014
Scientifc Service
- Online Volunteer, ISMIR 2024, San Francisco
- Organizer special session at DAGA 2024: âSound Analysis for Music and Audio Signalsâ (with Jakob Abesser and Meinard MĂŒller)
- Technology Chair, ISMIR, online conference, 2021
- Proceedings and Archival Chair, ISMIR, Delft, The Netherlands, 2019
- Programm committee member at GI Workshop: Musik trifft Informatik, Chemnitz, Germany, 2017
- âBest Faculty Award 2021â, Controller Institute Ăsterreich (category >4 days, 3. place)
- âBest Faculty Award 2020â, Controller Institute Ăsterreich (category >4 days, 3. place)